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10 things to know this week

To create your first blog post, click here and select 'Add & Edit Posts' > All Posts > This is the title of your first blog post. Blogs are a great way to connect with your audience and keep them coming back. To really engage your site visitors we suggest you blog about subjects that are related to your site or business. Blogging is also really good for SEO, so we recommend including keywords that relate to your site within your posts. Good luck!


Involucrando a Laudato Si '

Nos comprometemos con la conversión personal y comunitaria y Deseamos avanzar juntos en una respuesta orquestada y coordinada Al escuchar el grito de la tierra y el grito de los pobres A medida que avanzamos como instrumentos de esperanza en el corazón del mundo. — La visión adoptada por el Plenario de la UISG en 2019 guía nuestro compromiso con Laudato Si ’

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