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ORE POR LA PAZ en la RDC y Sudán del Sur



Building Peace Together by Cardinal Peter Turkson English French Italian

South Sudan

Peace Initiatives through Education and Solidarity in Conflict by Orla Treacy, IBVM English French Italian

Pastoral Considerations to Enable the Healing and Reconciliation Needed to Live in Peace delivered by Fr. Maurice Ibiko for Bishop Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala of Tombura-Yambio

President of the Sudan Catholic Bishops Conference (SCBC) English French Italian

Importance of Constitutional Law to Promote Justice and Human Rights by Giovanni Maria Flick English French Italian

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Pastoral Presence with Survivors, Families and Abusers in Situations of Sexual Abuse in Areas of Conflict by Fr. Bernard Ugeux, M.Afr. English French Italian

Summary Remarks by Cardinal Peter Turkson English French Italian

Ritual of Fraternity by Bishop Paolo Lojudice English French Italian


Involucrando a Laudato Si '

Nos comprometemos con la conversión personal y comunitaria y Deseamos avanzar juntos en una respuesta orquestada y coordinada Al escuchar el grito de la tierra y el grito de los pobres A medida que avanzamos como instrumentos de esperanza en el corazón del mundo. — La visión adoptada por el Plenario de la UISG en 2019 guía nuestro compromiso con Laudato Si ’

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