ORE POR LA PAZ en la RDC y Sudán del Sur
South Sudan
Peace Initiatives through Education and Solidarity in Conflict by Orla Treacy, IBVM English French Italian
Pastoral Considerations to Enable the Healing and Reconciliation Needed to Live in Peace delivered by Fr. Maurice Ibiko for Bishop Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala of Tombura-Yambio
Importance of Constitutional Law to Promote Justice and Human Rights by Giovanni Maria Flick English French Italian
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Pastoral Presence with Survivors, Families and Abusers in Situations of Sexual Abuse in Areas of Conflict by Fr. Bernard Ugeux, M.Afr. English French Italian
Challenges of the Church to Promote Active Nonviolence, Respectful Dialogue and to Live in Just Peace by Archbishop Marcel Utembi Tapa of Kisangani English French Italian
Certain Aspects in International Law and Policy on Women, Children, Peace and Security by Prof. Jane Adolphe